26 October 2009

Video from I Love The Islands Concert

While we were at the Concert, there was a Performer that had all the lights in Vector Arena turned down and asked everyone to pull out their mobile phones and have them waving around...it looked fantastic! (The Video really doesn't do it any justice!)

I Love The Islands - Samoa Relief Concert

Last Monday Richard & I attended the "I love the Islands" relief concert to help raise money after the terrible Tsunami that hit. It was awesome. Here are a few pictures of the amazing line-up of Kiwi artists that performed. The tickets to the concert were only $25 which considering the entertainment was very, very worthwhile!
(Photos: Dave Dobyn, Elemeno P, Katchafire, Jordan Luck, Lead Singer of Elemeno P and Me, Che Fu, Savage, Scribe, Neil & Tim Fin)

25 October 2008

Our Back Yard

Here are a few snaps of our back yard. We have quite a variety of animals here. Some belong to the landlord, and some are just here to live for a while. There is also 3 Rabbits, a dog and another cat!

Tem Morrison

While watching some V8 Ute racing with some friends of ours at Pukekohe, we got invited to the prize giving afterwards. Tem morrison is one of the Drivers in the series and we got to meet him and see him give a great performance singing with the band.

The Cactus

Here is an updated photo of the Cactus. It is doing really well.

Ducks in the Pool

A couple of weeks ago after the landlord spent a good few hours cleaning the pool, we ended up with Mother Duck in the pool with her ducklings. Richard and I did our best to get the ducklings out - they didn't realise when they hopped in that they were too small to make the leap back out again. In the process the sparkling clean pool ended up with Duck droppings through it!! Not a good look...

Dexter the Fluffy Genga Cat

We took a trip to the SPCA about 3 weeks ago to look at the cats. Eventually after narrowing it down to about 4 we decided to bring home Dexter.
He is settling in well; he spends his days outside exploring when we are at work and sleeps most of the weekend when we are home. He makes a nuisance of himself at night trying to sleep on our pillows...